A lot has been written and a lot has been read,
But the path my prose would enlighten nobody has tread.
I'm going to reveal a tale untold,
Few shades unseen and few secrets will unfold
He might be appreciated for his intelligence, humor n smile,
Glanced for his striking features n awed for his guile.
But just by knowing these visible traits, if you think his persona you can gauge……..
Its like cramming the dictionary and feeling like you have conquered the language.
There is more to this man, which is felt better than seen……..
Even sky cannot limit the strength of what his friendship could mean.
However, the innocence in his eyes can never equivocate,
And there is no measure of the warmth, which his mere presence can create.
Though my tryst with the protagonist occurred a few months ago,
It was a lucky time when this man I got to know.
Then began this roller coaster ride which still continues….
Everyday discovering new aspects and latent virtues.
Smiles and laughter, tears and despairs, fun and fantasies
Adventure travelling, air hockey competitions, and intoxicating highs
Though I have captured the tempest n words few
But to the best of my knowledge and experience the above said facts are true!
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