Monday, December 1, 2014

How I missed it!

It goes without saying that when an opportunity knocks on the door, we have to be well prepared to grab it with our best efforts. And the confidence comes when we are feeling good from inside. And for that we need to be looking our best in terms of appearance as the first impression made is sure shot the lasting impression.

I recall an incident when I was in college for my B.Tech. and in the final year, one renowned multi-national company has arrived short of notice and I was selected by our Training and Placement cell for its interview just after 5-6 hours. Although I had enough time to shave my stubble but that would have meant a loss of half an hour of crucial preparation exclusive to the written exam and the interviews afterwards. Hence I thought it best to prepare better instead of looking better. And it was rewarded when I cleared the written as the result was declared almost an hour after. But in that time I was prepping up for the technical interview and wondered to get a shave after that and just before my HR interview would begin, as derived from the observation keeping in mind the previously held interviews on the campus for last one month.

But the tragedy played its hand when just after the technical interview round, I was asked to go straight for the HR round. And God knows, I don't look good even in a three day old stubble. And the HR was a suave lady and I messed up in creating a good looking impression and could not clear the round. I just missed the chance when I had it. After that incident, I have made it a habit to take better care of how I present myself before others not only at crucial junctures but in normal day to day life as the opportunity could present itself anywhere and it doesn't take time to lose it or grab it.

P.S. -- 'This post is a part of #WillYouShave activity at BlogAdda in association with Gillette'.

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